Homophobia and Health Disparities for the Transgender Community

Author: Lily Davis Despite great strides for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals, homophobia continues to limit the rights and resources of this community. One of the most significant areas in which this community lacks resources is that of the health care system. LGBT persons face many barriers to health care due to financial issues and socioeconomic status, stigma and discrimination, and most significantly, a lack of sufficiently educated physicians (Safer, et al., 2016). Trans individuals often face difficulties regardless of the types of care they are seeking, such as; preventative medicine, routine and emergency care, or transgender-related services. Lack of access to health care is contributing to overall poorer health for trans individuals. Overall, transgender individuals face many health disparities as compared to their heterosexual counterparts. In 2010, a national transgender discri...